Fandom Voice

Again, social media war happened alongside with the 'blooms' of controversial opinions from one of the famous stand up comedians. Through chain of tweeting, those opinions implicitly addressed to K-pop fans (or has been assumed as that) regarding to their act toward music concert. Although He has been trying to confirm that he didn't mean to, but the more He arguing and explaining, the more K-pop fans are trapped to extreme social media abuse, and it is still going. 

It is just spread over right after EXO (South Korean Boy band) held their 2nd concert in Jakarta. The euphoria and the excitement showed by a thousands of Indonesian EXO-Ls because they got a chance to meet their idols. I must admit, it's sounds 'fanatic' and annoying sometimes for several people (who don't understand). That's, what mostly non-Kpop fans see as an 'over reaction' by calling them 'Alay'. Seriously, k-pop fans are so done with this one. And likewise, I'm tired of all those comments who compare one music to another, said it's not cool enough; the members are sissy/gay, and so on. Those opinions doesn't really matter to mature fans.

Besides, the core problem in my personal point of view is when someone being racist because they hate certain thing. I mean, we can't insult people just because they do not listen to the same music with us. I love Korean music. The rhythm, melody, concept, dance,  and other numerous reasons why I listen to it. Idols looks? uhmmm ... let's say it is a bonus. I'll understand if people doesn't like K-Pop. Once it happened to me when I was a bit confused to Electronic Dance Music (EDM) until I started listening to more EDM, and it hooked me in. I love it but sometimes this kind of music represent as a nightlife, club, where a huge number of people dance and express themselves freely. But I'm not going to diss them. The way people enjoy the 'things' and how its influence on behavior is depend on themselves. 

So what will happen if you meet someone and share the same thing taste as you? Then it is a Fandom. K-pop fans general known as very passionate fanbase. K-Pop Fandom in Indonesia as reported in Jung's research (2011) mostly use SNS for consuming, exchanging and distributing K-Pop product among fans. Moreover, her research also reported that K-pop fans in Indonesia is the source of a spike in tweets on the k-pop topic. It is not surprising when the issue related to K-pop arise, the reactions could be unexpected. I am really sorry for him since the issue mentioning idols from the three biggest K-Pop fandom in the world. I argue that social media fandom could driven themselves 'crazy' by such a provoked issue. For instance, it's exploded internationally through petition, protest, hurtful comments, etc. Surely, I can't handle with this because the circulate issue growing fastest through SNS, and indeed fact that k-pop fans are very passionate.

Anyway, if you ask my reaction I would like to say: r e s p e c t and a c c e p t. Everyone has their own rights to do or do not love something. Further, if you find yourself easily provoked, just keep calm and ask yourself to avoid using harsh words that might insult others. 

Apologies for having such a very personal opinion. Press the on button and enjoy the music.

xoxo, el.


Jung, Sun. 2011. "K-pop, Indonesian Fandom, and Social Media." In "Race and Ethnicity in Fandom," edited by Robin Anne Reid and Sarah Gatson, special issue, Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 8. doi:10.3983/twc.2011.0289.


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