Wrote by hielya
Today's desk situation. A good start. I tried to read supplementary materials on this laziness Sunday. I had read three articles so far from different study background. And I regret I wasted my two weeks for nothing.
The good thing from today is I had dinner with Myzan. He is such a good men. I mean, He's quite an introvert person who seems to shy in front of new (or even the old) friends but He always try to treat other people nicely. He's from different Department with me at Uni. However, we likes to go out together. I forgot when was actually the last time I met him and had a long chit chat. Therefore, right after took my book from photocopy center I went to his boarding house and picked him up for dinner to 'Ayam rica-rica' stall.
Tonight we had a conversation about our study. We also talked about the raising of social media society, the people's characteristic in using a particular social media site, I also said that He's now become more sociable and active on SNS. He tried to avoid it tho. Then we apparently discussed about the hot issue: LGBT. I know that everyone around the world currently talk about this issue. When I said 'I don't really talk about its seriously', Myzan shouted:
'So you're one of those who support them?'
'Do you think so?'
Myzan laughed.
Wrote by hielya
What I love the most about my University is they provide a good-cozy-very modern library where you can spend a day to enjoy the academic culture. Besides give free access to the internet and other facilities, it has varied book collection including the newest to the most rare books. It's not surprising since My uni is the oldest University in Indo.
In a holiday season like this, the library is quite empty. I am taking the opportunity to stay a little bit longer and I admit I do really like being in library when nobody is around. So, I snap my favorite library spot (at lower ground).It feels a little spooky, isn't it?
Wrote by hielya
Lately I've been busy doing what mostly last year uni students do. Writing thesis. When I wake up every morning, I'm wondering what will happen in a whole day and worrying weird things. I spend mostly my times in front of laptop (so sad that my eyes getting blurry), have to reading a tons of journal, and you know the rest story... stress.
So, as the normal 'human' here are some ways I use to reduce stress. Mostly it's works.
1. Do Something Artistic like Coloring
I love coloring and do something artistic (for me) when I get bored. A few time ago I bought adult coloring book that recently very popular in Indonesia. I supposed to buy it while I was in Aussie, but pretend to do not buy 'any' books because it's too heavy to be included in my luggage. So happy to find the similar coloring book in my fave book store after I back to Indonesia. and luckily with cheaper prize. I can use my spare time coloring page by page use colored pencil. The way to match the color and the art of the illustration help me to reduce stress. If you want to try some, you can get the free PDF here, and print it out.
2. Reading for pleasure
Reading is basically what we are to do as uni student. It is not always a textbook, journal, or something that can push you to think and analyse what you read. Read a novel, comic, magazine, and something other thin is the best choice to reduce stress. I am currently reading Diary of Wimpy Kid. I also reading webtoon. With various of genre, I can choose any comic that I want to read. My favorites are Winter wood, Tahi lalats, and No Homo. I am not suggest you to read sns timeline frequently and act like recent update observer. Seriously do not.
3. Cooking
I've started to learn cooking since I moved to new boarding house. I have to admit that cooking is actually kind of FUN. I just feeling like I hit a 'pause' on my uni routines and then playing with cooking stuffs. So far I success trying to cook Indonesian food and simple Kimbap. Wanna share a lots about this to you.
4. Blogging/Blogwalking
Like what I am doing at the moment. Blogging is one of the best way to reduce stress. It is like I share my daily thought more than complaining to attract attention. Blogging is writing for sharing, for entertain, writing for pleasure. The rest, scrolling through blog on my phone.
Well, currently I am interesting to share something on my blog instead of other social media sites. Let's say Path, Instagram, Facebook, or twitter where usually people post something they feel look good and to show the superior things in their life. Then, keep the face two inch from phone screen waiting for comments or love. Others just share what people had share. What I see is the visual culture become annoying nowadays through multi-dimension perspectives. Discovering to disappear from other people's radar is the good way for now tho.
Well, currently I am interesting to share something on my blog instead of other social media sites. Let's say Path, Instagram, Facebook, or twitter where usually people post something they feel look good and to show the superior things in their life. Then, keep the face two inch from phone screen waiting for comments or love. Others just share what people had share. What I see is the visual culture become annoying nowadays through multi-dimension perspectives. Discovering to disappear from other people's radar is the good way for now tho.
5. Walk around
This is a little bit weird because I choose to walk around in a place like mini market, supermarket, book store, or little store. My favorite one to go to sightseeing when I get bored is Javanese souvenirs store at km 16. Once I enter the store, the traditional music and the scent is such a welcoming as relaxation.
Besides five things I have mentioned above, other things like enjoy a cup of coffee, buy myself a flowers, spend time with neighbor pets, call my parent, talk something funny with mates, clean my room, buy myself favorite snack, and watch a drama are my self care ideas to reduce stress. How's yours? Hope the things listed give you some inspiration.
This is a little bit weird because I choose to walk around in a place like mini market, supermarket, book store, or little store. My favorite one to go to sightseeing when I get bored is Javanese souvenirs store at km 16. Once I enter the store, the traditional music and the scent is such a welcoming as relaxation.
Besides five things I have mentioned above, other things like enjoy a cup of coffee, buy myself a flowers, spend time with neighbor pets, call my parent, talk something funny with mates, clean my room, buy myself favorite snack, and watch a drama are my self care ideas to reduce stress. How's yours? Hope the things listed give you some inspiration.
♥, eL
Wrote by hielya
'Dasar autis!'
Saya melongo. Itu kata-kata yang selalu jadi umpatan Myzan kalau lagi nongkrong sama saya. Mungkin dia kesal karena sepanjang duduk bersebrangan kita saling diam. Dan Saya sibuk tap-tap layar gadget. Nggak ngerti kenapa dia ngumpat begitu. Raurusan juga.
'Dasar autis!'
Kini giliran saya yang nyinyir. Myzan punya gadget baru. Memorinya gede. Layarnya lebar. Resolusi kameranya cetar. Canggih deh. Per sepuluh detik sok-sok ngecek hp. Tiap sesuap nasi masuk mulut, tangan kanan nyamber gadget. Nggak ada yang ngechat. Dia jomblo (lupakan aja bagian ini), nggak ada yang beda. Cuma indikator baterai yang makin habis.
Itu si teman juga autis. Temannya Myzan autis. Temannya saya autis. Temannya teman kami banyak yang autis. Baru kirim pesan, nggak ada sedetik dapat balasan. Cepet! gimana enggak, kan persepuluh detik ngecek hp. Hari ini detik ini saya ngecek sosmed, eh si itu apdet. Besok saya cek sosmed, eh ada apdetannya si itu anu sana. Di sosmed sebelah juga ada. Ah, anak muda jaman sekarang banyak yang bercita-cita jadi pengamat recent update. Ketauan gadgetnya hampir nggak pernah lepas.
Saya ingat. Dulu Myzan nggak suka pegang gadget. Suka dikocekin semasuknya aja. Pas asik ngebut, gadgetnya jatuh. Hilang.
'Sialan!' umpatnya sedih. Dia balas dendam dengan ikutan jadi autis.
Jogja, 2016, waktu hujan sore-sore.
Wrote by hielya
Katanya daging babi enak, ya? Ini serius saya tanya, karena memang kepercayaan yang saya anut melabeli haram untuk mengkonsumsinya. Kecuali kalau saya waktu itu beneran nggak sengaja comot sesuap daging babi kornet di bayside mall! haha. Karena memang cuma secuil, jadi nggak tau rasanya.
Kalau sekarang harus saya akuin, daging kangguru adalah daging terenak yang pernah saya makan sejauh ini. Rasanya tuh lebih enak dari daging kelinci (dulu saya bilang daging kelinci paling enak). Daging kangguru ini lebih gurih, lembut, dan nggak amis. Entah ini pengaruh masakan My Australian Dad yang emang jago masak, atau emang beneran daging kangguru enak. Waktu itu spesial dimasakin sate kangguru plus lemon dan lalapan daun mint. Entah kenapa kepikiran kayaknya bakal enak juga kalau dibuat kari, gule, apa rendang.
Nah, ini beda banget sama itu daging domba unyu ‘lamb’ yang demi apa waktu makannya berasa kayak makan potongan daging kurban langsung dari kresek. Padahal waktu ditanya mau setengah mateng apa mateng, saya jawab 'cooked!’, mateng yang bener bener mateng. Tapi tetep aja bau amisnya masih kemana-mana. Harus kuat makan versi grilled sama karinya.
Kemudian sate kangguru hadir melupakan keamisan lamb chop. Biarpun sedih dan rasanya nggak tega makan daging dari binatang seimut kangguru, yang bulunya super lembut dan suka lompat-lompat unyu, tapi kalau enak dan ternyata makan daging kangguru itu legal di Aussie (kata bokap sih gitu), ya makan aja cus.
Wrote by hielya