/  10:35 AM
Normally morning routine includes a cup of tea, planning a day, and reading news.
Wrote by hielya
Today's desk situation. A good start. I tried to read supplementary materials on this laziness Sunday.  I had read three articles so far from different study background. And I regret I wasted my two weeks for nothing.  The good thing from today is
Wrote by hielya
What I love the most about my University is they provide a good-cozy-very modern library where you can spend a day to enjoy the academic culture. Besides give free access to the internet and other facilities, it has varied book collection including the
Wrote by hielya
Lately I've been busy doing what mostly last year uni students do. Writing thesis. When I wake up every morning, I'm wondering what will happen in a whole day and worrying weird things. I spend mostly my times in front of laptop (so
Wrote by hielya


/  6:42 PM
'Dasar autis!' Saya melongo. Itu kata-kata yang selalu jadi umpatan Myzan kalau lagi nongkrong sama saya. Mungkin dia kesal karena sepanjang duduk bersebrangan kita saling diam. Dan Saya sibuk tap-tap layar gadget. Nggak ngerti kenapa dia ngumpat begitu. Raurusan juga. 'Dasar autis!' Kini
Wrote by hielya
Katanya daging babi enak, ya? Ini serius saya tanya, karena memang kepercayaan yang saya anut  melabeli haram untuk mengkonsumsinya. Kecuali kalau saya waktu itu beneran nggak sengaja comot sesuap daging babi kornet di bayside mall! haha. Karena memang cuma secuil, jadi nggak tau
Wrote by hielya
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